After years as the office manager of a photography service for members of Congress, then decades as a freelance writer/photographer for newspapers and magazines, I became a meandering minimalist.
Since then, I’ve been on a never-ending quest, seeking the unexpected over the next hill or around the next bend. Traveling with only my handheld camera and two lenses, my meandering simultaneously invigorates and calms my soul.
I aim to depict the moment, the light, the expression, the setting, or the action as I press the shutter release – not later in a computer program. I rely on the tools of patience, natural light, and careful composition.
I love the added texture canvas gives my printed nature photos. Whether depicting a bear’s fur, wheat blowing in the wind, the gravel on a winding back road, or the sun’s reflection on the water, that texture draws a viewer in, making the scene seem just inches away.
Come along on a visual journey with amusing wildlife and beckoning landscapes as you ponder, dream, and smile.
You’ll soon understand why I shun a plethora of photographic equipment. It’s heavy and so hard to meander that way.
After years as the office manager of a photography service for members of Congress, then decades as a freelance writer/photographer for newspapers and magazines, I became a meandering minimalist.
Since then, I’ve been on a never-ending quest, seeking the unexpected over the next hill or around the next bend. Traveling with only my handheld camera and two lenses, my meandering simultaneously invigorates and calms my soul.
I aim to depict the moment, the light, the expression, the setting, or the action as I press the shutter release – not later in a computer program. I rely on the tools of patience, natural light, and careful composition.
I love the added texture canvas gives my printed nature photos. Whether depicting a bear’s fur, wheat blowing in the wind, the gravel on a winding back road, or the sun’s reflection on the water, that texture draws a viewer in, making the scene seem just inches away.
Come along on a visual journey with amusing wildlife and beckoning landscapes as you ponder, dream, and smile.
You’ll soon understand why I shun a plethora of photographic equipment. It’s heavy and so hard to meander that way.